1. Chromosome condensation
2. Chromosome synapse
3. Tetrad
4. Crossing over
5. Chiasmata
6.Chromosome segregation
Leptotene - chromosome becomes visible - chromosome condensation
Zygotene - which homologous chromosomes begin to pair - Chromosome synapse
Pachytene - the paired chromosomes shorten and thicken, the two chromatids of each separate, and exchange of segments between chromatids may occur. (tetrad formation and crossing over)
Diplotene - The chiasmata are now visible and are the point at which the chromosomes are still held together. And then paired chromosomes begin to separate into two pairs of chromatids.
Diakinesis - when the separation of homologous chromosomes is complete and crossing over has occurred.
Pachytene is a phase of meiosis is characteristics by
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