Amount Parez earns in a month = ₹20602.4
Number of weeks in a month = 4
Parez's weekly income = ₹ 20602.4 ÷ 4 = (₹206024 ÷ 4)/10 = ₹ 5150.6 (1 mark)
Given that, Parez works 5 days a week, and a month has 4 weeks.
So, number of days Parez works in a month = 20
Parez's daily income = ₹20602.4 ÷ 20 = (₹206024 ÷ 20)/10 = ₹ 1030.12 (1 mark)
Therefore, Parez's weekly and daily incomes are ₹5150.6 and ₹1030.12 respectively.