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Please tell me a trick to memorize the elements in the periodic table.....!!!!!

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Periodic table is divided into four block and they are S block , P block, d block and F block.

  1. S-Block elements-
  • Group 1 elements- H , Li , Na , K , Rb , Cs , Fr

LiNa ne Ki Ruby Cse Friendship.

  • Group 2 elements- Be , Mg , Ca , Sr , Ba , Ra

Beta Mange Car Scooter, Baap Raazi.


2. P- Block elements-

  • Group 13 elements- B , Al , Ga , In , Tl

Baigan Aalu Gaobhi In Thaila.


  • Group 14 elements- C , Si , Ge , Sn , Pb

Chemistry Sir Gives Sanki Problems.

  • Group 15 elements- N , P , As , Sb , Bi

Nahi Pasand Aise Sb Bhai.

  • Group 16 elements- O , S , Se , Te , Po

OSs se TePo

  • Group 17 elements- F , Cl , Br , I , At

These are halogen family, one can memorise this without any tricks.

  • Group 18 elements- He , Ne , Ar , Kr , Xe , Rn

Honey Ne Aa kr Xenon Rakkha.


3. Now comes D Block elements.

It will be beneficial to memorise D and F block elements across the Periods.

  • Period 4 elements- Sc , Ti , Vr , Cr , Mn , Fe , Co , Ni , Cu , Zn
  • Period 5 elements- Y , Zr , Nb , Mo , Tc , Ru , Rh , Pd , Ag , Cd

( for these two period, I never used any mnemonics, I somehow remember them)

  • Period 6 elements-Lu , Hf , Ta , W , Re , Os , Ir , Pt , Au , Hg

La Haf ta Warna Reh Oss Irritating Popat ke saath Aur Hoja pagal.

  • Period 7 elements- Ac , Rf , Db , Sg , Bh , Hs , Mt , Ds.

Akele R D Sharma ki Book mein Hain Maths ke Difficult sawaal.

And The last - F Block elements.

  • Period 6 elements- These are called Lanthanides

Ce , Pr , Nd , Pm , Sm , Eu , Gd , Tb , Dy , Ho , Er , Tm , Yb , Lu

ladies Can’t put Nickel Properly in Slot Machines.

Every Girl Tries Daily.

However, Every Time You look.

  • Period 7 elements- These are called Actinides

Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Fm Md No Lr

Tv par Unki Nazre Padi, Asman Chamka, Bijli kadki, iss Field Me No ladki.

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