Positive charge Q is distributed uniformly over a ircular ring of radius R. A particle having having a mass ma and a negative charge q, is placed on its axis at a distanc ex from the centre. Find the force on the particle. Assuming x<< R, Find the time period of oscillation of the particle if it is released from there.
or dEcosθ=qQdθ8π2ϵ0x(R2+x2)32Total force=∫dfcosθ=qQ8π2ϵ0.x(R2+x2)32∫dθ=xQq4πϵ0(R2+x2)32(∵∫dθ=2π)x<<RF=Qqx4πϵ0R3=mw2xorm(2πT)2=Qq4πϵ0R3T=[16π3ϵ0mR3Qq]12