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Prepare a Cash Book with Cash and Bank Columns from the following transactions:−
March 1 Cash in hand ₹ 1,800 and at Bank ₹ 11,000.
5 Received a cheque for commission ₹ 3,960. Cheque was immediately deposited into bank.
7 Bought goods for cheque ₹ 7,000.
8 Bought goods for cash ₹ 500.
10 Purchased a Computer and payment made by cheque of ₹ 5,000.
14 Paid Trade Expenses ₹ 105.
16 Paid into Bank ₹ 1,000.
18 Ramesh who owed us ₹ 500 became bankrupt and paid us 50 paise in a ₹.
20 Received ₹ 400 from Manohar and allowed him discount ₹ 10.
23 Withdrew from Bank ₹ 400.
23 Paid ₹ 300 to Ghanshyam Dass & Co. They allowed us discount ₹ 10.
24 Received ₹ 2,000 from Hari Ram and deposited the same into Bank.
25 Withdrew from Bank for private expenses ₹ 300.
27 Sold goods for cash ₹ 200.
28 Received cheque for goods sold ₹ 9,000.
29 Received repayment of a loan of ₹ 5,000 and deposited ₹ 3,000 out of it into Bank.
30 Bank charges as per Book ₹ 5.

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Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars L.F. Cash (Rs) Bank (Rs) Date Particulars L.F. Cash (Rs) Bank (Rs)
2017 2017
Mar. 01 Balance b/d 1,800 11,000 Mar. 07 Purchases A/c 7,000
Mar. 05 Commission A/c 3,960 Mar. 08 Purchases A/c 500
Mar. 16 Cash A/c C 1,000 Mar. 10 Office Equipment A/c 5,000
Mar. 18 Ramesh 250 Mar. 14 Trade Expenses A/c 105
Mar. 20 Manohar 400 Mar. 16 Bank A/c C 1,000
Mar. 23 Bank A/c C 400 Mar. 23 Cash A/c C 400
Mar. 24 Hari 2,000 Mar. 23 Ghanshyam Dass & Co. 300
Mar. 27 Sales A/c 200 Mar. 25 Drawings A/c 300
Mar. 28 Sales A/c 9,000 Mar. 30 Bank Charges A/c 5
Mar. 29 Loan A/c 2,000 3,000 Mar. 31 Balance c/d 3,145 17,255
5,050 29,960 5,050 29,960
Apr.01 Balance b/d 3,145 17,255

Note: Transaction dated March 28, 2017, does not contain any information regarding date of depositing the cheque, so it has been assumed that the cheque has been deposited on the same day.

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