Prepare specimen of a Balance Sheet in liquidity order with imaginary figures.
The format of a balance sheet, based on liquidity order is given below :
Balance Sheet (on the basis of Liquidity order)
As on.....
Liabilities(Rs)Assets(Rs)Current Liabilities :Current Assets :CreditorsxxxCash in handxxxBills PayablexxxCash at bankxxxBank overdraftxxxDebtorsxxxOutstanding expensesxxxBills ReceivablexxxIncome received in advancexxxStock-in-tradexxxLong Term Liabilities :Prepaid expenses :xxxLoanxxxInvestments : (give details)xxxMortagexxxCurrent Assets :Capital xxxFurniture and FixturesxxxAdd : Net Profit xxxPlant and MachineryxxxLandxxIncome received in advancexxxStock-in-tradexxxLong Term Liabilities :Prepaid expenses :xxxLoanxxxInvestments : (give details)xxxMortagexxxCurrent Assets :Capital xxxFurniture and FixturesxxxAdd : Net Profit xxPlant and MachineryxxxLess : Drawings (xx)xxxBuildingxxxLandxxGood willxxx¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯xxx––––––––¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯xxx––––––––