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Present the following information in a suitable tabular form:
(i) In 2010, out of total 2,000 workers in a factory, 1,550 were members of a trade union. The number of women workers employees was 250, out of which 200 did not belong to any trade union.
(ii) In 2017, the number of union workers was 1,725 of which 1,600 were men. The number of non-union workers was 380, among which 155 were women.

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The information given in the question can be summarised as follows.
Year 2010
Total no. of workers in the factory = 2000
Total no. of trade union workers = 1550
Total no. of non-trade union workers = (2000 1550) = 450
Total no. of women worker = 250
Total no. of non-trade union women worker = 200
Total no. of trade union women worker = (250 200) = 50
Total no. of trade union men worker = (1550 50) = 1500
Total no. of non-trade union men worker = (450 200) = 250
Total no. of men workers = 1500 + 250 = 1750

Year 2017
Total no. of trade union workers = 1725
Total no. of trade union men worker = 1600
Total no. of non-trade union women worker = (1725 1600) = 125
Total no. of non-trade union workers = 380
Total no. of non-trade union women worker = 155
Total no. of non-trade union men worker = (380 155) = 225
Total no. of workers in the factory = 1725 + 380 = 2105
Total no. of men workers = 1600 + 225 = 1825
Total no. of women workers = 125 + 155 = 280

Distribution of Workers in a Factory
(according to member of trade union and sex)

Trade Union Non-Trade Union Total
Year Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
2010 1500 50 1550 250 200 450 1750 250 2000
2017 1600 125 1725 225 155 380 1825 280 2105
Total 3100 175 3275 475 355 830 3575 530 4105

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