Suppose a and b are digits, and we consider the palindrome that looks like abba.
Now, abba = 1000*a + 100*b + 10*b + a.
We can rearrange this to
1000*a + a + 100*b + 10*b = 1001*a + 110*b.
Now, 1001 = 7 * 11 * 13, and 110 = 2 * 5 * 11,
so, abba = 1001*a + 110*b = 11 * (7*13*a + 2*5*b)
So abba is a multiple of 11.
Here's a specific example:
3223 = 3000+200+20+3 = 3003+220
= 11*273+11*20 = 11*293
So it is always divisible by 11