(a) 95855308 □ 95853508
Here both the numbers have same number of digits and first four digits from the left are same in both the numbers.
The fifth digit of the first number 95855308 (i.e., 5) is larger than the fifth digit of the second number 95853508 (i.e., 3). So, the first number 95855308 is greater than the second number 95853508.
Hence, 95855308>95853508 [1 mark]
(b) 76767676 □ 76767766
Both the numbers have same number of digits and first five digits from the left are same in both the numbers.
The sixth digit of the first number 76767676 (i.e., 6) is smaller than the sixth digit of the second number 76767766 (i.e., 7). So, the first number 76767676 is smaller than the second number 76767766.
Hence, 76767676<76767766 [1 mark]