Q. Consider the following statements about the Indus River system:
Which of the above given statements is/are incorrect?
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Indus river, known as singi khamban or Lion's mouth in Tibet, originates from a glacier near Bokhar Chu in the Tibetan region at an altitude of 4164 m in the Kailash mountain range. Jhelum rises from a spring at Verinag in Kashmir.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Chenab is the largest tributary of the Indus. It is a confluence of two streams at Himachal Pradesh, Chandra and Bhaga. The Jhelum rises from a deep spring in Vernag, at the foot of Pir Panjal in the south-east region of the Kashmir Valley.
Statement 3 is correct: Ravi rises from Rohtang pass in kullu hills of Himachal Pradesh and flows through Chamba valley. It enters the Punjab Plains near Madhopur, and subsequently enters Pakistan under Amritsar.