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Q. What do you understand by ecofeminism? How ecofeminism can be a beacon of light for the alleviation of the status of women in society. Substantiate your answer with relevant examples.

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"Ecofeminism is a movement that sees a connection between the exploitation and degradation of the natural world and the subordination and oppression of women. It emerged in the mid-1970s alongside second- wave feminism and the green movement. Ecofeminism brings together elements of the feminist and green movements, while at the same time offering a challenge to both. It takes from the green movement a concern about the impact of human activities on the non-human world and from feminism the view of humanity as gendered in ways that subordinate, exploit and oppress women."

Ecofeminism and Status of Women Ecofeminism can help alleviate of the status of women in society. There are a number of ways and interconnection which can be used. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Ecofeminism helps in exposing dualisms: Ecofeminists have described a number of connections between the oppressions of women and of nature that are significant to understanding why the environment is a feminist issue, and, conversely, why feminist issues can be addressed in terms of environmental concerns. For example, Living Interconnections with Animals and Nature the way in which women and nature have been conceptualized historically in the Western intellectual tradition has resulted in devaluing whatever is associated with women, emotion, animals, nature, and the body, while simultaneously elevating in value those things associated with men, reason, humans, culture, and the mind. One task of ecofeminists has been to expose these dualisms and the ways in which feminizing nature and naturalizing or animalizing women has served as justification for the domination of women, animals, and the earth.
  2. Helps in improving the living conditions of women: Another connection between feminism, animal liberation, and environmentalism has been made by documenting the effects of environmental pollution and degradation on the lives of women and animals. Toxic pesticides, chemical wastes, acid rain, radiation, and other pollutants take their toll on women, women's reproductive systems, and children. By documenting the poor quality of life for women, children, people in the Third World, animals, and the environment, ecofeminists are able to demonstrate that sexism, racism, classism, speciesism, and naturism (the oppression of nature) are mutually reinforcing systems of oppression. Instead of being a "single- issue" movement, ecofeminism rests on the notion that the liberation of all oppressed groups must be addressed simultaneously.
  3. Ecofeminists believe that we cannot end the exploitation of nature without ending human oppression, and vice versa. To do both, they reason, we must expose the assumptions that support Patriarchy and disconnect our concept of masculinity from that of "power over" others and the rejection and denigration of the "feminine."
  4. Ecofeminist suggests that alternatives to Patriarchy are possible, as evidenced in women's and tribal cultures.
  5. Ecofeminism claims that both women and nature are dominated and thus stresses the need for a more interdependent worldview. Ecofeminists believe that all living things are essential to the well being of the planet and that humans are not separate or superior.
  6. With an ecofeminist framework, Environment Related Consumption research would take a more emancipatory approach. The research agenda would be focused on changing corporate and public policy so that the burden for the ecological crisis would not be placed on women alone. Introducing ecofeminism provides the springboard for research into environmentally-related consumption by reshifting the focus away from the characteristics of buyers and how they may be motivated to buy environmentally friendly products to a more sociopolitical analysis that links women with nature and exposes how they have been forced into the primary role of "environmental housemaids." By exposing this connection, consumer researchers can conduct research that will benefit the female consumer in her quest to be an environmentally-responsible shopper.

The term "ecofeminism" is more descriptive of a concern with cultivating an ecological ethic that goes beyond concepts of social justice alone. It has also been suggested that the prefix "eco" is a sop to those masculine- identified greens who cannot handle feminism. It strikes deeper into the core of Patriarchal reason.

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