Q5. Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH) project is related to:
a) An international network specifically designed to watch dynamic events in the universe
India is now joining a global network to monitor the dynamic cosmos. A new telescope is getting ready for commissioning at the Indian Astronomical Observatory at Hanle in Ladakh, as part of an international network specifically designed to watch dynamic events or transient objects in the universe.
The programme is called Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH). Observatories in this network are located in a way that will allow uninterrupted observation of transient events.
The new 70 cm telescope is much smaller than the 2 meter Himalayan Chandra Telescope at Hanle. HCT is already over-booked, while the new telescope will be purely for observing transients. It is different from HCT in the sense that it will only be an imaging telescope and all spectroscopy will happen at HCT.
The telescope will be remotely operated from IIA’s Centre For Research and Education in Science and Technology near Bangalore. The facility houses the control room for remote operations of the HCT and is the data hub for the telescope.
The project is primarily looking at optical transients from a host of different observatories to build a complete picture of the physical processes of their evolution. The network has 18 observatories in the Northern Hemisphere.
As the earth rotates and daylight creeps, the network switches observations to facilities westward that is still enjoying night-time.