Q6. Consider the following statements about Transients in Astronomy:
1. They are objects and events occur in the universe which needs to be caught very young and soon after they happen.
2. Gravitational wave events to fall in this category of transients.
Gravitational wave events to fall in this category of transients.
c) Both 1 and 2
A lot of interesting objects and events occur in the universe which needs to be caught very young and soon after they happen, such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, active galactic nuclei, and many more
They are called transients because electromagnetic signature radiated as a result is transient in nature. Gravitational wave events to fall in this category. Near-earth asteroids are not transients in the sense of their light emitting capability, but they do come close to the earth and that is when you need to track them. This time period is very short. In this sense, they are transient in terms of time.
Transient events in the universe are caused due to several factors such as relatively benign flares on stars, accretion of matter on compact objects, stellar mergers and explosions. All this results in a flash in the sky for a period and then slowly fades away.
By capturing these electromagnetic signatures, astronomers try to gain an insight into cosmic objects as well as physical processes that govern their evolution.
Finding such objects requires continuous monitoring of large areas of the sky. Telescopes deployed for ‘transient surveys’ are usually small, wide-field instruments but they can’t see very faint objects.