Q86 Which of the following is/ are the steps taken by India to combat climate change and its impacts?
i) National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF)
ii) National Action Plan on Climate Change
iii) BEE Ratings
iv) National Biofuel Policy
86 Ans.D
Explanation: National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) is created for funding research and innovative projects in clean energy technologies. In many areas of the country pollution level has reached alarming proportions. “Polluter pays” remains the basic guiding criteria for pollution management.
National Action Plan on Climate Change effectively pulls together a number of the government’s existing national plans on water, renewable energy, energy efficiency agriculture and others – bundled with additional ones – into a set of eight missions.
BEE Ratings - objectives of BEE are, to exert leadership and provide policy recommendation and direction to national energy conservation and efficiency efforts and programs.To leverage multi-lateral and bi-lateral and private sector support in implementation of Energy Conservation Act and efficient use of energy and its conservation programs.
National Bio fuel Policy - The Policy will bring about accelerated development and promotion of the cultivation, production and use of Biofuels to increasingly substitute petrol and diesel for transport and be used in stationary and other applications, while contributing to energy security, climate change mitigation, apart from creating new employment opportunities and leading to environmentally sustainable development. The Policy endeavours to facilitate and bring about optimal development and utilization of indigenous biomass feed stocks for production of bio-fuels