SolutionSolSuspensionA solution is a homogeneousA sol is a heterogeneousSuspension is a heterogeneousmixture of two or more substancesmixturemixtureThe particles of a solution areThe size of particles of a sol isThe particles of a suspensionsmaller than 1 nm(10−9metre)too small to be individually seencan be seen by the naked eyesin diameter So, they cannot beseen by naked eyes It is between 1Their size is larger than 100 nmseen by naked eyesnm and 100 nm in diameterin diameterDue to small particle size, theySols are big enough to scatter aThe particles of a suspensiondo not scatter a beam of lightbeam of light passing throughscatter a beam of light passingpassing through them Thus, thethem and make its path visiblethrough it and make its pathpath of light is not visible in avisiblesolutionThe solute particles do not They do not settle down whenThe solute particles settle downsettle down when leftleft undisturbed, i.e., a sol iswhen a suspension is leftundisturbed, i.e., a solution isquite stableundisturbed, i.e., a suspension isstableunstableThe solute particles cannot beThe solute particles cannot beThey can be separated from theseparated from themixture byseparated from the mixture bymixture by the process ofthe process of filtrationthe process of filtrationfiltration