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Science | GJ Board | Grade 10 | 2014
Q. Current is flowing through a conductor and creates a magnetic field. Assume that this is the only source of the magnetic field. Reversing a current in a straight conductor with no change to the magnitude(ampere value) will cause a _________.
  1. Reduction in the magnetic field
  2. Disappearance of the magnetic field
  3. Reversal of the direction of the magnetic field
  4. Reversal and reduction of the magnetic field
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Q. In plants, photosynthetic products are transported through
  1. Sieve cells
  2. Sieve cells and companion cell
  3. Sieve tubes and parenchyma
  4. Sieve tubes and sieve cells
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Q. Rods of carbon and copper are hammered simultaneously. Which property of carbon is responsible for carbon rod breaking down into pieces?
  1. Ductility
  2. Malleability
  3. Lustre
  4. Brittle
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Q. Some substances are acidic while others are basic. A scale called the pH scale is used to measure the extent of acidity. What will happen to the pH of the solution if a little acid is added to a beaker of water (original pH=7)?
  1. It will become a little less than 7
  2. It will become a little more than 7
  3. It will remain 7
  4. It will become 0
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Q. There is a Mimosa plant grown in one of the pot in the garden. It's leaves get 'folded up' on touching it. What is this behaviour called in scientific language?
  1. Thermonasty
  2. Photonasty
  3. Thigmonasty
  4. Hydronasty
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Q. Ammonia is filled in weather balloons that work at very high altitudes because it is:
  1. a neutral gas
  2. a compound of nitrogen
  3. lighter than air
  4. liquefied at low temperature
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Q. 3 litre aqueous solution is prepared by dissolving 4.9 gram H2SO4 in water. To calculate pH of this solution, there is need to calculate moles H2SO4. Which of the following formula you would use?
  1. Mole of H2SO4=Molecular masslitre
  2. Mole of H2SO4=Weight of substanceMolecular mass
  3. Mole of H2SO4=Molecular massWeight of substance
  4. Mole of H2SO4=Weight of substancelitre
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Q. Solar system comprises of the sun, its planets, their satellites, asteroids and meteors. Which of the following is not a member of the solar system?
  1. Sun
  2. Asteroids
  3. Shooting stars
  4. Artificial satellites
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Q. Which satellite is launched by India for Direct to Home T.V. transmission?
  1. IRS-P
  2. INSAT-4A
  3. INSAT-1
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Q. When we say a nephron is the structural and functional unit of the kidneys, we mean that
(P) The kidney is made up of many nephrons.
(Q) The filtration of blood that occurs in the kidneys is because of what the nephrons do.
(R) Urea formation occurs in the nephrons.
  1. Only P and Q
  2. Only Q and R
  3. Only P and R
  4. P, Q and R
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Q. Which of the following substance enters our body when a red ant bites us?
  1. Melittin
  2. Calcium Formate
  3. Magnesium hydroxide
  4. Formic acid
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Q. We sometimes see rainbow in monsoon season. Which of the fact is not correct about the rainbow?
  1. Dispersion of incident light first, then reflection internally and finally refraction causes rainbow.
  2. Water droplets act like small prisms
  3. Sometimes there is formation of two rainbows in the sky
  4. Rainbow is formed in the direction of the sun
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Q. From which of the following case, the induced current in the loop will not be obtained?
  1. The loop and magnet are moved in one direction with the same speed
  2. The magnet is moved in the direction of the loop
  3. The loop is moved in the direction of the magnet
  4. The loop and magnet are moved in the opposite direction with the same speed
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Q. Which of the following statement is wrong for arteries?
  1. All arteries carry pure blood
  2. Blood flows in arteries under high pressure
  3. Arteries carry blood from heart to different organs
  4. Arteries have thick and elastic walls
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Q. "In the definite physical situation, the electric current flowing through the conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference applied across it". To verify this law, in which of the following circuit diagram are ammeter and voltmeter connected correctly?
  1. R
  2. Q
  3. P
  4. S
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Q. In the table given is the composition of a few alloys. Based on this table answer the question.
Name of alloy
Elements in the alloy
Cu and Zn
Sn and Cu$
Pb, Sb, Sn, Cu
Fe, Cr, Mn, C

Which of these metal alloys does not contain copper?
  1. Brass
  2. Pewter
  3. Steel
  4. Bronze
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Q. Compared to other animals, the ability of speech has developed more in humans. Mainly development of which organ is responsible for this?
  1. Mouth
  2. Heart
  3. Tongue
  4. Brain
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Q. Which of the following statement is true for variation in organisms?
(P) The occurrence of differences among the individuals of the same species is known as variation.
(Q) Variations decrease the possibilities of survival.
(R) The process of evolution decreases the variation in organisms.
(S) During meiosis, crossing over takes place between the genes and hence, combinations are formed, which ultimately results in producing variations.
  1. (P) and (S)
  2. (P) and (R)
  3. (Q) and (S)
  4. (Q) and (P)
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Q. The following table lists the pH values of some acids and bases.
Hydrochloric acid
Pure water
Baking soda
Sodium hydroxide

What would happen to the pH of an acid and a base when each is diluted (pure distilled water is added to it)?

  1. On dilution, the pH of an acid will increase and that of a base will decrease
  2. On dilution, the pH of an acid and base will both decrease
  3. On dilution, the pH of an acid and base will both increase
  4. On dilution, the pH of an acid will decrease and that of a base will increase
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Q. Which of the following is true:
The direction of electric current in a conducting wire is _______

  1. in the direction of negatively charged particles but opposite to the positively charged particles
  2. in the direction of motion of electrons
  3. opposite to the direction of motion of electrons
  4. in the direction opposite to the motion of positively charged particles
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Q. Make the correct pairs for the following given X and Y. X contains substance and Y has method of manufacture:

1. Extraction of Sulphur
p. Contact process
2. Production of Nitric acid
q. Frasch method
3. Production of Sulphuric acid
r. Haber's process
4. Production of Ammonia gas
s. Ostwald's process

  1. (1q), (2s), (3p), (4r)
  2. (1s), (2q), (3r), (4p)
  3. (1s), (2r), (3q), (4p)
  4. (1r), (2q), (3s), (4p)
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Q. Two resistors of 4Ω and one resistor of 8Ω are connected in the circuit as shown. What will be the equivalent resistance between points A and B in the circuit?
  1. 8Ω
  2. 16Ω
  3. 1Ω
  4. 4Ω
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Q. With increase in population, our needs have increased. Today the world is facing a problem of energy crisis. We must conserve energy. Which one of the following statements do not show energy conservation approach?
  1. Switch off the lights, fans, television and other appliances when not in use
  2. One should use individual vehicle instead of public transport system
  3. Make use of pressure cooker
  4. Use of bicycle while going to school
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Q. Which of the following is true in case of a bar magnet and magnetic field lines produced around it?
  1. Magnetic field lines intersect each other at 90o angles
  2. The tangent drawn at any point of a magnetic field line shows the direction of the magnetic field at that point
  3. The region in which the field lines are at a close distance has a weak magnetic field
  4. The magnetic field is a scalar quantity
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Q. Ramesh is sitting on the last bench in class-10. He can read whatever is written by the teacher on the black board, but he cannot read clearly from the text book. So, of the following statement is true regarding his eyes?
  1. There is defect in his retina
  2. His eye lens cannot become thin as required
  3. His eye lens cannot become thick as required
  4. A milky and cloudy layer is formed on the eye lens
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Q. One boy goes to school on his vehicle. On the way, he reaches to a cross-road where red signal is shown. He turns off his vehicle until green signal appears. From this, he has used which R to save the environment.
  1. Recycle
  2. Reduce
  3. Reuse
  4. None of the given
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Q. Which of the following alternative shows the correct path of oxygenated blood flow in human beings?
  1. Different organs - Right atrium - Right ventricle - Pulmonary artery - lungs
  2. Lungs - Pulmonary artery - left atrium - left ventricle - different organs.
  3. Lungs - Pulmonary vein - left atrium - left ventricle - different organs.
  4. Lungs - Pulmonary artery - Right atrium - Right ventricle - different organs.
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Q. Some stars appear red in colour and some blue in colour. Which one of the statements is true?
  1. Star with blue colour has more temperature than red colour star
  2. Temperature of blue colour star is less than red colour star
  3. Blue colour star and red colour star has equal temperature
  4. There is no relation between colour of the star and temperature
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Q. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
  1. Corrosion of iron takes place by contact with air and water
  2. The method to convert carbonate containing ore to metal oxide is called calcinations
  3. The melting point and boiling point of metals are low
  4. The displacement of less active metal from their solution takes place by more active metal
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Q. Assertion :The current flowing through each resistor is same when connected in series. Reason: The voltage drop across each resistor remains the same when connected in parallel.
  1. Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
  2. Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
  3. Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
  4. Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
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