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Physics | ICSE Board | Grade 12 | 2017
Q. A radioactive substance decays to 1/16th of its initial mass in 40 days. The half life of the substance, in days, is?
  1. 20
  2. 10
  3. 5
  4. 2.5
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Q. The electrostatic potential energy of two point charges, 1 μC each, placed 1 meter apart in air is?
  1. 9×103J
  2. 9×109J
  3. 9×103J
  4. 9×103eV
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Q. An a.c. generator generates an emf 'ε' where ε=314sin(50πt)volt. Calculate the frequency of the emf ε.
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Q. A wire of resistance 'R' is cut into 'n' equal parts. These parts are then connected in parallel with each other. The equivalent resistance of the combination is?
  1. nR
  2. R/n2
  3. n/R2
  4. R/n
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Q. Three capacitors C1=3μF, C2=6μF and C3=10μF are connected to a 50V battery as shown in the figure.
(i) The equivalent capacitance of the circuit between points A and B.
(ii) The charge on C1.
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Q. In a meter bridge circuit, resistance in the left hand gap is 2Ω and an unknown resistance X is in the right hand gap as shown in Figure. The null point is found to be 40cm from the left end of the wire. What resistance should be connected to X so that the new null point is 50cm from the left end of the wire?
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Q. On which conservation principle is Kirchoff's Second Law of electrical networks based?
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Q. Magnetic susceptibility of platinum is 0.0001. Its relative permeability is?
  1. 1.0000
  2. 1.0001
  3. 0.9999
  4. 0
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Q. When a light wave travels from air to glass.
  1. Its wavelength decreases
  2. Its frequency decreases
  3. There is no change in wavelength
  4. Its wavelength increases
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Q. Calculate the momentum of a photo of energy 6×1019J.
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Q. PQ is a long straight conductor carrying a current of 3A as shown in Figure. An electron moves with a velocity of 2×107ms1 parallel to it. Find the force acting on the electron.
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Q. Using Ampere's circuital law, obtain an expression for the magnetic flux density 'B' at a point 'X' at a perpendicular distance 'r' from a long current carrying conductor.(Statement of the law is not required).
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Q. How is fringe width of an interference pattern in Young's double slit experiment affected if the two slits are brought closer to each other?
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Q. Calculate magnetic flux density of the magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of 50 tunrs, having radius of 0.5m and carrying a current of 5A.
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Q. What is the minimum energy which a gamma ray photon must possess in order to produce electron-positron pair?
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Q. Show that electric potential at a point P, at a distance 'r' from a fixed point charge Q, is given by V=(14πϵ0)Qr.
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Q. How can the spherical aberration produced by a lens be minimised?
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Q. Why nuclear fusion reaction is also called thermo-nuclear reaction?
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Q. The horizontal component of earth's magnetic field at a place is 13 times the vertical component. Determine the angle of dip at that place.
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Q. According to Bohr, 'Angular momentum of an orbiting electron is quantised'. What is meant by this statement?
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Q. A moving coil galvanometer has a coil of resistance 59Ω. It shows a full scale deflection for a current of 50mA. How will you convert it to an ammeter having a range of 0 to 3A?
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Q. What is meant by drift speed of free electrons?
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Q. In a regular prism, what is the relation between angle of incidence and angle of emergence when it is in the minimum deviation position?
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Q. A converging lens of focal length 40cm is kept in contact with a diverging lens of focal length 30cm. Find the focal length of the combination.
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Q. Two resistors R1=60Ω and R2=90Ω are connected in parallel. If electric power consumed by the resistor R1 is 15W, calculate the power consumed by the resistor R2.
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Q. Maximum torque acting on an electric dipole of moment 3×1029Cm in a uniform electric field E is 6×1025Nm. Find E.
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Q. Figure shows two resistors R1 and R2 connected to a battery having an emf of 40V and negligible internal resistance. A voltmeter having a resistance of 300Ω is used to measure potential difference across R1. Find the reading of the voltmeter?
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Q. Intensity of electric field at a perpendicular distance of 0.5m from an infinitely long line charge having linear charge density (λ) is 3.6×103Vm1. Find the value of λ.
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Q. With what type of source of light are cylindrical wave fronts associated?
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Q. Show the variation of voltage with time, for a digital signal.
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