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JEE Main (Apr 10) - Morning Shift | 2019
Q. Two radioactive materials A and B have decay constants 10λ and λ, respectively. If initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of A to that of B will be 1/e after a time:
  1. 1110λ
  2. 19λ
  3. 110λ
  4. 1111λ
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Q. A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity V0 from the surface of the earth. The motion of the ball is affected by a drag force equal to mγv2 (where m is mass of the ball, v is its instantaneous velocity and γ is a constant). Time taken by the ball to rise to its zenith is:
  1. 1γgsin1(γg)V0
  2. 1γgtan1(γg)V0
  3. 1γg1n(1+γg)V0
  4. 12γgtan1(2γg)V0
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Q. The electric field of a plane electromagnetic wave is given by
The corresponding magnetic field B is then given by:
  1. B=E0c^isin(kz)cos(ωt)
  2. B=E0c^jsin(kz)cos(ωt)
  3. B=E0c^ksin(kz)cos(ωt)
  4. B=E0c^jcos(kz)sin(ωt)
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Q. in a photoelectric effect experiment the threshold wavelength of the light is 380nm. If the wavelength of incident light is 260nm, the maximum kinetic energy electrons will be:
Given E(ineV)=1237λ(innm)
  1. 15.1eV
  2. 4.5eV
  3. 1.5eV
  4. 3.0eV
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Q. Two coaxial disc, having moments if inertia I1 and I12, are roatating with respective angular velocities ω1 and ω12, about their common axis. They are brought in contact with each other and thereafter they rotate with a common angular velocity. If Ef and Ei the final and initial total energies, then (EfEi) is :
  1. I1ω2112
  2. 38I1ω21
  3. I1ω216
  4. I1ω2124
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Q. A moving coil galvanometer allows a full scale current of 104A. A series resistance of 2MΩ is required to convert the above galvanometer into a voltmeter of range 05V. therefore the value of shunt resistance required to convert the above galvanometer into an ammeter of range 010mA is:
  1. 40Ω
  2. 100Ω
  3. 10Ω
  4. 500Ω
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Q. In a meter bridge experiment, the circuit diagram and the corresponding observation table are shown in figure.
Which of the readings is inconsistent?
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 2
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Q. The displacement of a damped harmonic oscillator is given by x(t)=e01.1tcos(10πt+Φ). Here t is in seconds. The time taken for its amplitude of vibration to drop to half for its initial value is close to :
  1. 4s
  2. 7s
  3. 13s
  4. 27s
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Q. A cylinder with fixed capacity of 67.2 lit contains helium gas at STP. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of the gas by 200C is :
  1. 374J
  2. 350J`
  3. 700J
  4. 748J
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Q. A thin disc of mass M and radius R has per unit area σ(r)=kr2 where r is the distance from its centre. Its moment of inertia about an axis going through its centre of mass and perpendicular ti its plane is :
  1. 2MR26
  2. 2MR23
  3. 2MR22
  4. 22MR23
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Q. One plano-convex and one plano-concave lens of same radius of curvature R but of different materials are joined side by side as shown in the figure. If the refractive index of the material of 1 is μ1 and that of 2 is μ2 is:
  1. R2(μ1μ2)
  2. Rμ1μ2
  3. R2(μ1μ2)
  4. 2Rμ1μ2
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Q. An npn transistor operates as a common emitter amplifier, with a power gain of 60dB. The input circuit resistance is 100Ω and the output load resistance is 10kΩ. The common emitter current gain β is :
  1. 60
  2. 104
  3. 6×102
  4. 102
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Q. Figure shows charge (q) versus voltage (V) graph fro series and parallel combination of two given capacitors. The capacitances are :
  1. 40μF and 10/muF
  2. 60μF and 40/muF
  3. 50μF and 30/muF
  4. 20μF and 30/muF
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Q. A stationary source emits sound wave of frequency 500Hz. Two observers moving along a line passing through the source detect sound to be of frequencies 480Hz and 530Hz, Their respective speeds are, in ms1
(Given speed of sound=300ms)
  1. 12, 18
  2. 16, 14
  3. 8, 18
  4. 12, 16
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Q. A current of 5A passes through a copper conductor (resistivity=1.7×108Ωm) of radius of cross-section 5mm. Find the mobility of the charges if their drift velocity is 1.1×103m/s
  1. 1.3m2/Vs
  2. 1.8m2/Vs
  3. 1.5m2/Vs
  4. 1.0m2/Vs
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Q. A transformer consisting of 300 turns in the primary and 150 turns in the secondary gives output power of 2.2kW.If the current in the secondary coil is 10A, then the input voltage and current in the primary coil are :
  1. 220V and 10A
  2. 440V and 5A
  3. 440V and 20A
  4. 220V and 20A
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Q. In the given circuit, an ideal voltmeter connected across the 10Ω resistance reads 2V. The internal resistance r, of each cell is :
  1. 1.5Ω
  2. 0Ω
  3. 1Ω
  4. 0.5Ω
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Q. A particle of mass m is moving along a trajectory give by
The torque, acting on the particle about the origin, at t=0 is:
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    Q. A proton, an electron, and a Helium nucleus, have the same energy. They are in circular orbits in a plane due to magnetic field perpendicular to the plane. let rp, re and rHe be their respectively radii, then ,
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      Q. Two wires A and B are carrying currents I1 and I2 as shown in the figure. The separation between them is d. A third
      wire C carrying a current I is to be kept parallel to them at a distance x from A such that the net force acting on it is
      zero. The possible values of x are

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        Q. A message signal of frequency 100MHz and peak voltage 100V is used to execute amplitude modulation on a carrier wave of frequency 300GHz and peak voltage 400V. The modulation index and difference between the two side band frequency are :
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          Q. In an experiment, the resistance of a material is plotted as a function of temperature (in some range). As shown in the figure, it is a straight line. One may conclude that :
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            Q. A ray light AO in vacuum is incident on a glass slab at angle 600 and refracted at angle 300 along OB as shown in the figure. The optical path length of light ray from A to B is :
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              Q. A 25×103 volume cylinder is filled with 1mol of O2 gas at room temperature (3ooK). The molecular diameter of O2, and its root mean square speed, are found to be 0.3nm, and 200m/s, respectively. What is the average collision rate (per second) for an O2 molecule ?
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                Q. N mole of an idelal gas with constant volume heat capacity CV undergo an isobaric expansion by certain volume. The ratio of the work done in the process, to the heat supplied is :
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                  Q. A uniformly charged ring of radius 3a and total charge q is placed in xy-plane centred at origin. A point charge q is moving towards the ring along the z-axis and has speed u at z4a. The minimum value of u such that it crosses the origin is :
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                    Q. The value of acceleration due to gravity at Earth's surface is 9.8ms2. The altitude above its surface at which the acceleration due to gravity decreases to 4.9ms2, is close to :
                    (Radius o f earth =6.4×106m)
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                      Q. Given below in the left column are different modes of communication using the kinds of waves given the right column.
                      A.Optical Fibre
                      B.RadarQ.Infrared Light
                      D.Mobile phonesS.Radio Waves

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                        Q. The ratio of surface tensions of mercury and water is given to be 7.5 while the ratio of their densities is 13.6. Their contact angles, with glass, are close to 1350 and 00, respectively. It is observed that mercury gets depressed by an amount h in a capillary tube of radius r1, while water rises by the same amount h in a capillary tube of radius r2. The ratio, (r2/r1), is then close to :
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                          Q. Two particle, of masses M and 2M, moving, ash shown , with speeds of 10m/s and 5m/s, collide elastically at the origin. After the collision, they move along the indicated directions with speeds v1 and v2, respectively. the values of v1 and v2 are nearly:
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