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JIPMER | 2011
Q. Point masses 1, 2, 3 and 4 kg are lying at the points (0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 0), (0, 3, 0) and (-2, -2, 0) respectively. The moment of inertia of this system about X-axis will be
  1. 43 kgm2
  2. 34 kgm2
  3. 72 kgm2
  4. 27 kgm2
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Q. Velocity-time curve for a body projected vertically upwards is:
  1. Ellipse
  2. Straight line
  3. Hyperbola
  4. Parabola
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Q. If λ1 and λ2 are the wavelengths of the first members of the Lyman and Paschen series respectively, then λ1:λ2 is:
  1. 1 : 3
  2. 1: 30
  3. 7 : 50
  4. 7 : 108
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Q. Activity of a radioactive sample decreases to (1/3)rd of its original value in 3 days. Then, in 9 days its activity will become:
  1. 127 of the original value
  2. 19 of the original value
  3. 13 of the original value
  4. 118 of the original value
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Q. In Carnot engine efficiency is 40% , when the temperature of hot reservoir is T. For efficiency 50%, what will be temperature of hot reservoir?
  1. T5
  2. 2T5
  3. 6T
  4. 6T5
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Q. Voltage in the secondary coil of a transformer does not depend upon :
  1. both (b) and (c)
  2. ratio of number of turns in the two coils
  3. frequency of the source
  4. voltage in the primary coil
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Q. A light moves from denser to rarer medium, which of the following is correct?
  1. Energy increases
  2. Frequency increases
  3. Velocity increases
  4. None of these
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Q. A galvanometer can be changed into an ammeter by using:
  1. Low resistance shunt in series
  2. Low resistance shunt in parallel
  3. High resistance shunt in series
  4. High resistance shunt in parallel
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Q. A train is moving towards east and a car is along north, both with same speed. The observed direction of car to the passenger in the train is
  1. East-north direction
  2. West-north direction
  3. South-east direction
  4. None of the above
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Q. Light of frequency ν falls on material of threshold frequency v0. Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron is proportional to:
  1. vv0
  2. v
  3. vv0
  4. v0
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Q. The specific charge of a proton is 9.6×107C/kg. The specific charge of an alpha particle will be:
  1. 9.6×107C/kg
  2. 19.2×107C/kg
  3. 4.8×107C/kg
  4. 2.4×107C/kg
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Q. A choke is preferred to a resistance for limiting current in AC circuit because:
  1. There is no wastage of power
  2. Choke is compact in size
  3. Choke is a good absorber of heat
  4. Choke is cheap
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Q. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance covered is always:
  1. Equal to one
  2. Less than one
  3. Equal to or greater than one
  4. Equal to or less than one
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Q. A ball of mass 2 kg moving with velocity 3 m/s, collides with spring of natural length 2 m and force constant 144 N/m. What will be length of compressed spring?
  1. 2 m
  2. 1 m
  3. 1.65 m
  4. 0.5 m
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Q. A solid sphere and a hollow sphere of the same material and of a same size can be distinguished without weighing
  1. by determining their moments of inertia about their coaxial axes
  2. by rolling them simultaneously on an inclined plane
  3. by rotating them about a common axis of rotation
  4. by applying equal torque on them
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Q. The principle of LASER action involves:
  1. Amplification of particular frequency emitted by the system
  2. Stimulated emission
  3. All of the above
  4. Population inversion
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Q. A tuning fork A produces 4 beats/s with another tuning fork B of frequency 320 Hz. On filling one of the prongs of A, 4 beats/s are again heard when sounded with the same fork B. Then, the frequency of the fork A before filing is :
  1. 328 Hz
  2. 316 Hz
  3. 324 Hz
  4. 320 Hz
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Q. X-rays are used in determining the molecular structure of crystals because:
  1. It's energy is high
  2. It can penetrate the material
  3. It's wavelength is comparable to interatomic distance
  4. It's frequency is low
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Q. The radius of gyration of a body about an axis at a distance 6 cm from its centre of mass is 10 cm. Then, its radius of gyration about a parallel axis through its centre of mass will be :
  1. 80 cm
  2. 0.8 cm
  3. 80 m
  4. 8 cm
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Q. A current of 5 A is passing through a metallic wire of cross-sectional area 4×106m2. If the density of charge carriers of the wire is 5×1026m3, then the drift velocity of the electrons will be
  1. 1×102m/s
  2. 1.56×102m/s
  3. 1.56×103m/s
  4. 1×102m/s
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Q. If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for a fluid?
  1. Viscosity
  2. Pressure
  3. Surface tension
  4. Archimedes upward thrust
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Q. A bullet of mass 20 g and moving with 600 m/s collides with a block of mass 4 kg hanging with the string. What is velocity of bullet when it comes out of block, if block rises to height 0.2 m after collision?
  1. 150 m/s
  2. 200 m/s
  3. 400 m/s
  4. 300 m/s
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Q. In the circuit shown, the value of I in ampere is
  1. 1
  2. 0.6
  3. 0.4
  4. 1.5
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Q. The ionization energy of Li2+ is equal to :
  1. 9hcR
  2. 6hcR
  3. 2hcR
  4. hcr
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Q. The physical quantity having the dimensions [M1L3T3A2] is :
  1. Resistivity
  2. Resistance
  3. Electromotive force
  4. Electrical conductivity
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Q. Which of the following is unipolar transistor?
  1. p-n-p transistor
  2. n-p-n transistor
  3. Field effect transistor
  4. Point contact transistor
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Q. If r1 and r2 are the radii of the atomic nuclei of mass numbers 64 and 125 respectively, then the ratio r1r2 is :
  1. 64125
  2. 54
  3. 45
  4. 64125
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Q. A proton moving vertically downward enters a magnetic field pointing towards north. In which direction proton will deflect?
  1. East
  2. West
  3. North
  4. South
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Q. Induced emf in the coil depends upon:
  1. Conductivity of coil
  2. Amount of flux
  3. Rate of change of linked flux
  4. Resistance of coil
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Q. In Young's double slit experiment with sodium vapour lamp of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 mm apart, the half angular width of the central maximum is
  1. sin1(0.01)
  2. sin1(0.0001)
  3. sin1(0.001)
  4. sin1(0.1)
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