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Science | KA Board | Grade 10 | 2013
Q. What is the minimum frequency of sound waves needed to prepare emulsion from two immiscible liquids?
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Q. Draw a neat diagram of petrol engine and label the following parts :
a) Piston b) Spark plug c) Crank shaft
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Q. Write two differences between centripetal force and centrifugal force.
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Q. The defect in an engine is detected by using X-rays. The gamma radiation can also be used for the same purpose because gamma radiation has
  1. Higher wavelength than X-ray
  2. Same frequency as that of X-ray
  3. Same wavelength as that of X-ray
  4. Higher frequency than X-ray
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Q. Explain the method of extractioin of amorphous silicon using silica.
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Q. What is induced radioactivity ? Name the radioactive element obtained when 13Al27 is bombarded with alpha particle. Write one use of this radioactive element.
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Q. Name of the simplest hydrocarbon is _____________.
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Q. A robot sent to the moon sends a laser light towards the earth. If it takes 13 seconds to reach the earth then calculate the distance between moon and the earth in kilometres.
(Given : Velocity of light is 3×108m/s)
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Q. What is Saponification?
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Q. The transducer used in television transmission works on the principle of
  1. Rayleigh's effect
  2. Electromagnetic induction
  3. Photoelectric effect
  4. Raman's effect
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Q. Match the colour of stars in List - A with the stars in List - B. Write the correct answer in the space provided
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Q. By how many times a 3rd magnitude star is brighter than 5th magnitude star?
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Q. Draw a neat diagram showing the permutit process of softening hard water and label the following:
a) Zeolite layer b) Soft water layer
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Q. Draw a neat diagram of AC dynamo and label the parts.
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Q. The ratio of number of moles of butane to the number of moles of oxygen necessary for complete combustion of butane is:
  1. 1:2
  2. 2:3
  3. 1:5
  4. 2:13
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Q. The induced electromotive force increases when a magnet is moved fast in a stationary coil of wire because
  1. Rate of change of magnetic field increases
  2. Magnetic field increases
  3. Rate of change of magnetic field decreases
  4. Magnetic field decreases
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Q. Which reaction is responsible for solar energy? Name the major component of solar energy that reaches us.
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Q. Write two differences between intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic semiconductor.
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Q. Human beings are interfering in bio-geochemical cycle by using
  1. Soaps
  2. Detergents
  3. Paper
  4. Cotton
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Q. The source that gives line emission spectrum when subjected to dispersion is
  1. Molten iron
  2. Candle flame
  3. Sun
  4. Mercury vapour
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Q. Which of the following is not a good practice to conserve fuel?
  1. Using public transport system
  2. Using motor bike to travel short distances
  3. Using bicycle to travel short distances
  4. Walking the short distances
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Q. A composite light containing yellow, blue and orange colours is passed through a prism. Which colour bends the most?
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Q. Two masses m1 and m2 are separated by a distance d. Find by how many times the force of gravity increases if mass of each of the objects is doubled without change in the distance between them.
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Q. Calcium bicarbonate causes hardness in water but not calcium carbonate. Why?
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Q. A photoelectric cell emits electrons when illuminated by a 60 W bulb. If the same cell is illuminated by replacing it with a 40 W bulb, the observation that can be made is
  1. No photoelectric effect takes place
  2. Number of photoelectrons increases
  3. The kinetic energy of photoelectrons decreases
  4. Number of photoelectrons decreases
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Q. If I is the intensity of scattered light of wavelength λ. then relation between them is given by:
  1. I1λ4
  2. I21λ4
  3. Iλ4
  4. I1λ
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Q. What is a heat engine?
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Q. Draw a neat diagram of electrolytic cell used in the purification of copper and label the following:
a) Anode b) Cathode
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Q. The gravitational force between earth and an object of mass 10kg on its surface in newtons is ____________
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Q. A, B and C are the three coils of conductor having different number of turns, wound around a soft iron ring as shown in the figure. Ends of coils B and C are connected to the galvanometers. The observation that can be made when ends of coil A are connected to an A.C. source is
  1. Same electric current is induced in B and C
  2. No electric current is induced in B and C
  3. Induced electric current is more in B than in C
  4. Induced electric current is less in B than in C
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