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Science | KA Board | Grade 10 | 2018
Q. Coal is a non-renewable source of energy because_____________
  1. coal is replenished soon in nature
  2. coal is abundant in nature
  3. the reserve of coal are depleting at a faster rate and it is difficult to replenish
  4. coal leaves residue when burnt
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Q. Identify the type of amorphous silicon in the following.
  1. Does not burnt in air
  2. Has dark grey colour
  3. Oxidizes at the surface level when heated in air
  4. Less reactive
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Q. If the stages of human evolution is written in the descending order according to their cranial capacity then the correct order obtained is
  1. Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homosapeins, Australopithecus
  2. Australopithecus, Homohabilis, Homo erectus, HomoSapiens
  3. HomoSapiens, Homo erectus, Australopithecus, Homo habilis
  4. HomoSapiens, Homo erectus, Homohabilis, Australopithecus
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Q. Steam engine cannot be started instantaneously because
  1. The efficiency of the engine is low
  2. Steam should be produced by heating water
  3. The engine is bulky
  4. There is no spark plug
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Q. The principle of working of a motor is
  1. There is a magnetic field around a current carrying conductor
  2. When a magnetic field link which conductor changes, an induced EMF is generated in the conductor
  3. The change of current in one files EMF in a negative neighboring coil
  4. A conductor carrying electrical current experience mechanical force is kept in a magnetic field
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Q. Antheridium of pteridophytes can be compared to
  1. Pistil of angiosperms
  2. Megasporophyll of gymnosperms
  3. Stamen of angiosperms
  4. Archegonium of bryophytes
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Q. The gas released when the sunlight breakdwon Chlorofluoro carbon is
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Fluorine
  3. Carbon monoxide
  4. Chlorine
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Q. The group of compounds when dissociate partially in aqueous solution is
  1. Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acid
  2. Carbonic acid, phosphoric acid
  3. Sodium chloride, acetic acid
  4. Copper sulphate, sugar solution
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Q. The process related to organic compounds are given in column A and their procedures are given in column B. Match them and write the answers along with its letter.
Column AColumn B
(A) Preparation of Methane Gas(i) Production of salts of fatty acids starting from oils or fats
(B) Substitution reaction(ii) Conversion of liquid oils into solid saturated fats
(C) Hydrogenation(iii) Heating fused sodium acetate with sodalime
(D) Saponification(iv) Heating an aqueous solution of ammonium cyanate
(v) Burning of Methane in air
(vi) Heating ethanol in presence of acidified potassium permanganate
(vii) Exposing the mixture of methane
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Q. Nowadays biodiesel is used in transportation vehicles as an alternate to diesel, write two advantages of this measure.
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Q. Write the circuit symbol of pnp transistor.
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Q. Name the family and order of to which man belongs.
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Q. The schematic diagram indicating the transmission of electricity is given below:
Name the devices to be used in the places indicated as A and B.
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Q. How is silicon carbide prepared? Write one of its uses.
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Q. In the manufacture of sugar the container of sugarcane juice is connected to a vacuum pump. Why?
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Q. If a person is having symptoms of thrust and frequent urination for a long time, the blood capillaries in the retina of this person have ruptured causing blood entering into the vitreous humor making it Opaque name the eye disorder found in this person.
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Q. "Manufacture of ethyl alcohol from molasses is good example for fermentation." Explain.
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Q. In animals breeding. Write the two difference between outbreeding and hybridization.
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Q. What is Doppler Effect? Mention the two applications of Doppler effect.
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Q. List the uses of ultrasonic waves.
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Q. Draw a diagram of AC dynamo and label the following parts:
(i) Armature (ii) Brushes.
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Q. Observe the table in which size of different DNA fragments are given and answer the questions:
DNA fragmentsABC
Size (in Base Pairs)70015003000
In the process of separating DNA fragments which fragements moves faster?
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Q. Observe the table in which size of different DNA fragments are given and answer the questions:
DNA fragmentsABC
Size (in Base Pairs)70015003000
Explain the process of separating the DNA fragments.
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Q. Draw the diagram of the Apparatus used in electroplating and label the following parts:
The substance to be electroplated.
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Q. What is monohybrid cross? Write the genotype ratio and phenotypic ratio of Mendel's monohybird cross.
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Q. Carl Correns conducted hybridization experiment using four o'clock plants. Draw the chequer board of F2 generation for the incomplete dominance phenomenon, when he crossed that a plant having red flowers (RR) with another plant with white flower (WW) mention its genotypic ratio.
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Q. State Boyle's law write the mathematical form of Boyle's law. Given an example of this law state.
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Q. State Graham's law of diffusion. Write the mathematical form of Graham law of diffusion. Give an example for this law
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Q. Observe the following figure. Which property of diode is indicated here? Explain that property.
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Q. How is greenhouse effect caused? Give names of the greenhouse gases.
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