is a relation on given by. Which of the following belongs to ?
Explanation for the correct options:
Substituting in the given relation to see, if the relation is satisfied:
is the only ordered pair that satisfies the given relation.
Therefore, the correct answer is option (D).
Option (A): Substituting in the given relation to see, if the relation is satisfied:
satisfies the relation .
Therefore, the correct answer is option (A).
Option (B): Substituting in the given relation to see, if the relation is satisfied:
satisfies the relation .
Therefore, the correct answer is option (B).
Explanation for the incorrect option:
Option (C): Substituting in the given relation to see, if the relation is satisfied:
does not satisfy the relation.
Therefore, option (C) is the incorrect answer.
Therfore, the correct answers are option (A), (B), and (D).