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Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

Until recently, many biologists believed that invertebrate “schools” were actually transient assemblages, brought together by wind, currents, waves, or common food sources. Jellyfish groupings, for example, cannot be described as schools—cohesive social units whose members are evenly spaced and face the same way. However, recent research has found numerous cases in which crustaceans and other invertebrates form schools as fish do. Schooling crustaceans such as krill regularly collect in such massive numbers that they provide abundant food for fish, seabirds, and whales. Like schooling fish, invertebrates with sufficient mobility to school will swim in positions that are consistent relative to fellow school members, and are neither directly above nor directly below a neighbor. The internal structure of such a school changes little with external physical disruption but dramatically with the advent of a predator. Since schooling is an active behavior, researchers assume that it must bring important benefits. True, schooling would appear to make animals more visible and attractive to predators. However, schooling leaves vast tracts of empty water, thereby reducing a predator’s chances of picking up the school’s trail. A large group maintains surveillance better than an individual can, and may discourage predation by appearing to be one massive animal.

According to the passage, what are the advantages of schooling for invertebrates?

A school leaves large areas of empty water which reduces a predator’s ability to spot it.
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Schooling appears to make animals more threatening to predators.
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A school maintains better observation than an individual.
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A, B, and C
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The correct option is D A, B, and C

Refer to the following extract, “However, schooling leaves vast tracts of empty water. Thereby, reducing a predator’s chances of picking up the school’s trail. A large group maintains surveillance better than an individual can, and may discourage predation by appearing to be one massive animal.” The extract includes the observations made in options A, B, and C.

Hence, the correct answer is option D.

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Q. Read the passage given below.

Boarding schools are widely believed to foster discipline and growth in children, especially those with a low-income family environment at home or from local schools with poor education. Also called residential schools, boarding schools are known to offer healthier and sometimes more experimental learning options, which make them an attractive choice for parents. Amidst all the conversations about what’s best for a child, however, it’s not just a school's educational quality that needs to be considered. It should be imperative to consider a child’s mental health, which influences their learning ability when deciding to send them away.
A child can grow more independent, disciplined, and well-rounded after going away to learn at a boarding school — but this isn’t a universal phenomenon. If a child is inherently flexible, not highly sensitive, and has been in social circles before, boarding school can be a good experience. But if a child has an intricately sensitive personality, then boarding school can be toxic. In a sensitive, isolated, and emotionally scarred child, the chances of developing childhood depression, anxiety disorders, and social phobias are very high.
Children are often sent to boarding schools because the parents are not getting along well and need to distance the kid from problems at home. The kid could then feel guilty for causing problems and see being sent to boarding school as a punishment rather than a learning experience. Away from home, the child finds a lack of intimate contact and love, forcing them to construct an armour around themselves to protect them from the intensity of emotion they are not yet equipped to handle.
When a child grows at home, their environment and family adjust themselves around the child's evolving personality. At boarding school, however, the process is reversed, leading to a “psychological splitting”. While the child learns skills to be independent and disciplined at boarding school and appears to be well-adjusted, it’s merely a shield to protect the vulnerable self, which results in a cluster of symptoms called the “Boarding School Syndrome”.
The child then makes no emotional demands but also no longer recognizes the need for intimacy. This unconscious behavioural pattern can extend into adulthood. It is important to note that every child is different, and no two children will have the same reaction to boarding schools. For example, a child at 13 is more mature, psychologically and physically, than a preparatory school child. At 16, some make an informed choice to complete their education away from home. The ideal decision-making process should involve a medical health professional who can evaluate the child with the help of sessions and psychometric tests.


Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions that follow.

The ultimate intention of the author is to _____ the reader of this passage about the effects of boarding schools on children.

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