Rearrange in ascending order:
Rule 1: A number having more digit is greater than the other one having fewer digit.
Rule 2: If two numbers have same numbers of digits, compare the digits from their extreme left.
(a) number having greater digit at extreme left is greater.
(b) If these digit are same, compare next digit to the right in the two numbers and so on.
Given numbers,
Here all numbers have digits numbers, first digit from left of the two numbers is and first digit from left of the other two numbers is .
We know that .
So, and are greater than and .
Now, compare and ,
In and , first digit from left of two numbers is same, that is .
So, we will compare the second digit from left of the two numbers.
Since, second digit of the first number is and that of second number is .
We know that .
Now, compare and .,
In and ., first digit from left of two numbers is same, that is .
So, we will compare the second digit from left of the two numbers.
Since, second digit of the first number is and that of second number is .
We know that .
Thus, the ascending order of given number is .