Revenue from operations = Rs 1,00,000 Finance cost = Rs 5,000 Cost of materials consumed = Rs 15,000 Employee benefit expenses = Rs 20,000 Depreciation and Amortisation = Rs 10,000 Find the amount of profit before tax
Prepare a Comparative Statement of Profit & Loss from the following :
31−03−201431−03−2013(Rs)(Rs)Revenue from Operations80,00,00060,00,000Depreciation and amortization expenses3,00,0002,00,000Finance Costs (60%of Revenue from Operations)Other Expenses 40,000 40,000Employee Benefit Expenses7,20,0006,00,000Other Income 8,000 10,000
Prepare a Common Size Statement of Profit & Loss from the following and interpret the same :
Note31st31stNoMarchMarch20182017RsRsRevenue from Operations25,00,00020,00,000Other Income1,00,0001,00,000Cost of Materials Consumed17,00,00014,00,000Finance Costs2,00,0001,60,000Other Expenses1,00,0001,40,000