Rose and Lily shared profits in the ratio of 2 : 3. Their Balance sheet on March 31, 2006 was as follows
Balance Sheet of Rose and Lily
As on March 31, 2006
Capital and LiabilitiesAmt.AssetsAmt.Creditors40,000Cash16,000Lily's Loan32,000Debtors80,000Profit and Loss50,000(−)Provision for Doubtful Debts(3,600)––––––––76,400Capital:Inventory1,09,600 Lily1,60,000Bill Receivable40,000 Rose2,40,000Buildings2,80,000 –––––––– ––––––––5,22,0005,22,000 –––––––– ––––––––
Rose and Lily decided to dissolve the firm on the above date. Assets (except bills receivables) realised 4,84,000. Creditors agreed to take Rs. 38,000.
Cost of realisation was Rs. 2400. There was a Motor Cycle in the firm which was brought out of the firm's Money, was not shown in the Books of the firm. It was not sold for Rs. 10,000 There was a continigent liability in respect of outstanding electric bill of Rs. 5,000. Bill receivable taken over by Rose at Rs. 33,000.
Show realisation account, partners' capital account, loan account and cash account.
Dr. Realisation Account Cr.
ParticularsAmt.ParticularsAmt.Debtors80,000Provision for Doubtful Debts36,000Inventory1,09,600Creditors40,000Bills Receivables40,000CashBuildings2,80,000Motor cycle10,000Cash:Other Assets4,84,000––––––––––4,94,000Outstanding Electricity Bill5,000Rose's Capital (Bills Receivable)33,000Creditors38,000Expenses38,000––––––––45,000Profit transferred to: Rose's Capital6,240 Lily's Capital9,360––––––15,600 –––––––– –––––––5,70,6005,70,600 –––––––– –––––––
Dr. Partners' Capital Account Cr.
ParticularsRoseLilyParticularsRoseLilyRealisation33,000Balance b/d2,40,0001,60,000(Bills Receivable)Cash A/c2,33,2401,99,360Profit and Loss20,00030,000Realisation (Profit)6,2409,360 ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– –––––––2,66,2401,99,3602,66,2401,99,360 ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– –––––––
Dr. Lily's Loan Account Cr.
ParticularsAmt.ParticularsAmt.Cash32,000Balanced b/d32,000 –––––– –––––––32,00032,000 –––––– –––––––
Dr. Cash Account Cr.
ParticularsAmt.ParticularsAmt.Balance b/d16,000RealisationRealisation Creditors38,000Motor Cycle10,000Outstanding Electricity Bill5,000Other Assets4,84,000––––––––––4,94,000Expenses2,400––––––45,400Lily's Loan32,000Rose's Capital A/c2,33,240Lily's Capital A/c1,99,360 ––––– ––––––5,10,0005,10,000 ––––– ––––––