S1: A gentleman trying to get a fly out of the milk, or a piece of cork out of his glass of wine often imagines himself to be irritated.
S6: But I pointed out to him that this sense of wrong was really subjective and relative; it rested entirely upon the assumption that the drawer could, should, and would come out easily.
P: Again, I have known some people of very modern views driven by their distress to the use of theological terms to which they attached no doctrinal significance, merely because a drawer was jammed tight and they could not pull it out.
Q: Everyday his drawer was jammed, and everyday, in consequence, it was something else that rhymes to it.
R: A friend of mine was particularly afflicted in this way.
S: Let him think for a moment of the patience of anglers sitting by dark pools, and let his soul be immediately irradiated with gratification and repose.
The proper sequence should be: