The marks obtained by Sanky = 59.25 Marks required to pass the exam = 65
Marks required by Sanky to pass the exam = 65 - 59.25 = 5.75 marks
Sanky got 59.25 marks in his final exams. The passing mark for the exam is 65 marks. How many more marks does Sanky need to pass the exam?
Sanky got 59.25 marks in the final exams. Passing marks for the exam is 65 marks .How much more marks Sanky should have scored to pass the exam?
Sam got 59.25 marks in the final exams. Passing marks for the exam is 65 marks. How much more marks Sam should have scored to pass the exam?
Sanky got 59.25 marks in the final exam. Passing mark for the exam is 65 marks. How much more marks should Sanky have to score to pass the exam?