Select the numbers that are divisible by 8.
A number is divisible by 8, if the number formed by its digits in hundred's place, ten's place and units place is divisible by 8.
In 7350165, the number formed by its digits in hundred's place, ten's place and units place is 165 and is not divisible by 8.
In 7350166, the number formed by its digits in hundred's place, ten's place and units place is 166 and is not divisible by 8.
In 7350167, the number formed by its digits in hundred's place, ten's place and units place is 167 and is not divisible by 8.
In 7350168, the number formed by its digits in hundred's place, ten's place and units place is 168 and 168 is divisible by 8.
Hence, 7350168 divisible by 8.