1) Shady: full of shade
Example sentences: 1) We were walking on a shady road.
2) I saw a tiger hiding in the shady woods.
2) Bellowed: a roaring shout or sound
Example sentences: 1) I bellowed in pain at home.
2) The bull bellowed during the fight.
3) Twitched: to give a sudden jerk
Example sentences: 1) Her mouth twitched after hearing the news.
2) Our car twitched in the midway.
4) Pounced: to attack suddenly
Example sentences: 1) The tiger pounced on the deer.
2) The dog pounced hurriedly over the cat.
5) Grunt: short, deep sound
Example sentences: 1) The pig grunts in hunger.
2) He grunts for the permission from his mother.
6) Game: an interesting activity to be played with others
Example sentences: 1) We won the game by two runs.
2) Indoor games are better than outdoor games.
7) Glistened: to shine with a sparkling light
Example sentences: 1) His cheeks glistened with tears suddenly.
2) My eyes glistened with joy.
8) Roared: a full deep cry
Example sentences: 1) The lion roared in anger.
2) Reeta roared for approval.
9) Pheasant: a long tailed bird hunted for food
Example sentences: 1) The pheasant population is decreasing day by day.
2) Pheasant gives eggs.
10) Fowl: a domestic bird for eating or producing eggs.
Example sentences: 1) We domesticate fowl for food.
2) My father went to hunt fowl early in the morning.