The p–n junction possesses some interesting properties that have useful applications in modern electronics.
A p-doped semiconductor is relatively conductive. The same is true of an n-doped semiconductor, but the junction between them can become depleted of charge carriers, and hence non-conductive, depending on the relative voltages of the two semiconductor regions. By manipulating this non-conductive layer, p–n junctions are commonly used as diodes: circuit elements that allow a flow of electricity in one direction but not in the other (opposite) direction. Bias is the application of a voltage across a p–n junction; forward bias is in the direction of easy current flow, and reverse bias is in the direction of little or no current flow.
1.)It is in the process of rectifier as one of the part of DC Power Supplies.
2.)Detector Circuits.
3.)In bracing systems utilized as DC Restorers.
4.)In cut-out circuits utilized for waveform era.
5.)Switches in advanced rationale circuits.