State whether the following statement is true or False
2√15 + 2√3 > 2√10 + 2√8
Let X = 2√15 + 2√3
Y = 2√10 + 2√8
X2 = (2√15+2√3)2 = (2√15)2 + (2√3)2 + 22√45 = 18 + 22√45
Y2 = (2√10+2√8)2 = (2√10)2 + (2√8)2 + 22√80 = 18 + 22√80
So clearly we can see 18 + 22√45 < 18 + 22√80 as 22√45 < 22√80
which implies X2 < Y2 and X < Y
hence the statement is false