No, the Tenth Five-Year Plan was successful on several fronts. The following are some of its achievements:
The following are some of the achievements of the Tenth Five-Year Plan (2002-07):
a. The growth rate of the GDP increased to 7.8 per cent during this period. This was a significant achievement for India, as it became the fastest growing economy after China.
b. The industrial sector experienced a significant growth rate of 8.8 % p.a. during the plan period. This growth was attributed to the development in IT, pharmaceutical and automobile sectors.
c. India’s foreign exchange reserves reached $ 185 billion in February 2007, implying the strengthening of the Indian economy.
d. The service sector experienced a high growth rate of 9%.
e. The savings and investment rates also registered an improvement during the plan period. The saving rate increased to 34.8% and the investment rate increased to 35.9%.