How many enzymes in the list given below are found in intestinal juice? Trypsin, Pepsin, Sucrase, Lactase, Rennin, Carboxypeptidase, Nuclease, Dipeptidase, Maltase, Enterokinase
Complete the following table: [5 MARKS]
Digestive juices and enzymesSubstance digestedProduct FormedSalivaAmylaseGastric juiceProtease (pepsin) and hydrochloric acidPancreatic juiceProteases (trypsin)LipasesAmylaseIntestinal enzymesPeptidasesSucraseLactaseMaltaseBile from the liverBile salts
In the process of digestion, the enzymes 'X' and 'Y' at location 'A' and location 'B' are such that 'X' converts maltose into glucose and 'Y' converts peptides to amino acids. Identify X and Y.