Improper disposal of waste has many harmful consequences on the environment. Some of them are:
1. Disposal of waste material in water bodies pose a threat to aquatic life.
2. If the toxic waste is dumped into the environment, it leeches into the groundwater and contaminates it. This groundwater is used for many purposes such as watering the fields from where we get our food and also for drinking purposes.
3. As this waste gets decomposes, it releases greenhouse gases which are harmful to atmosphere.
If we spread awareness and make people realise that how important it is to dispose the waste properly, then we can save our environment. Awareness can be in the form of campaigns and different programmes to give knowledge to people especially in rural areas. People will stop disposing waste improperly only if they are made to realise the harmful impacts of the improper waste disposal. Government can also step in and make certain bans on the direct disposal of materials into water bodies. Government can also form policies regarding this issue.