Surface x=0 separates two perfect dielectric with relative permittivities ϵr1=2 and ϵr2=8 If −→E1=(100δx+200δy−50δz)V/m for x>0 Then −→E2
and →Dn1=→Dn2
→J=10^uyA/m lies on the dielectric interface x = 0 between two dielectric media with
εr1=1,μr1=1 in Region -1 (x < 0) and εr2=2,μr2=2 in Region-2 (x > 0). If the magneitc field in Region-1 at x = 0+ is →H1=3^ux+30^uyA/m, the magnetic field in Region-2 at x=0+ is