Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana started in?
Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana started in 1997.
Which rural schemes were merged with Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana ?
Following is some information regarding a family’s expenditure:
ExpensesFood 40%Fuel 10%Clothing 15%Rent 15%Misc 20%2000 Prices (Rs)200050010004003001990 Prices (Rs)1600250600300200
What is the cost of living index of the year 2000 as compared with the year 1990?
Let f : R → R and g : R → R be continuous functions, then the value of the integral ∫π2−π2[f(x)+f(−x)][g(x)−g(−x)]dx= [IIT 1990; DCE 2000; MP PET 2001]