Dear Student,
a. Horticulture involves use of science technology research in the growth of fruits, vegetable, medicinal crops, non food crops and improving their quality.
b. It also involves improving the nutritional value of plants and herbs.
c. It certainly requires small land, as production is involved on a small scale.
d. It also involves growth of multiple crops.
e. Every horticulture plant has well defined minimum and maximum temperature
f. It requires a minimum temperature of 32 degrees F ( for certain plants like apple, broccoli, cabbage, pears ) and maximum is 70 degree F.
g. As far as humidity is concerned , it is believed as higher humidity is good for certain kind of fruits like pineapple, banana
h. Some plants demand moderate humidity .
i. Similarly , as far as rainfall is concerned, water requirement is different for different plants
j. For instance, beans require 25 to 38 mm per week during peak season, garlic requires 25mm per week.