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Ten charges are placed on the circumference of a circle of the radius R with constant angular separation between successive charges. Alternate charges 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 have charge (+q) each, while 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 have charge (–q) each. The potential V and the electric field E at the center of the circle are respectively: (Take V=0 at infinity)

  1. V=0,E=0

  2. V=10q/4πε0R,E=10q4πε0R2

  3. V=0,E=10q4πε0R2

  4. V=10q4πε0R,E=0

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The correct option is A



Potential V:

Step 1.Given data:

  1. As mentioned in the question, charges are placed at constant angular separation. i.e, the angle between them is fixed. then the angle will be =36010=36°
  2. Charge on 1,3,5,7,9=+q
  3. Charge on 2,4,6,8,10=-q

Step 2. Explanation:

  1. Potential at any point at a distance R from a charge q can be given as, V=kqR, where k=14πε0, ε0=permittivity of free space, q=charge, R=distance.
  2. Hence the potential at the centre of the circle due to +q charge is V=+kqR.
  3. We have five +q charges, so the combined potential at the centre due to those five positive charges, V+=+5kqR.
  4. Similarly, in the case of five negative charges, the combined potential at the centre is, V-=-5kqR
  5. Now, Net Potential Vnet=V++V-=5kqR+5k-qR=0

Electric field E:

Step 1.Given data:

Charges placed on positions one and six will form a vector as shown in the above figure.

Charges placed on positions two and seven will form a vector as shown in the above figure.

Charges placed on positions three and eight will form a vector as shown in the above figure.

Charges placed on positions four and nine will form a vector as shown in the above figure.

Charges placed on positions five and ten will form a vector as shown in the above figure.

Thus, the combined figure will look like the below shown figure:

  1. We can readily see that every vector shown in figure is a combination of the electric field due to one positive charge and one negative charge.
  2. Now, all these charges are forming a cyclic vector in the center.

Step 2. Explanation:

  1. We know, that if five vectors are acting at a point, the angle between these vectors is equal, and the net resultant is a null vector, which means Rnet=0
  2. The magnitude of electric field at the center due to one charge = E=kqR2, where k=14πε0, ε0=the permittivity of free space, q=charge, R=distance.
  3. Every vector denoted by E at the center represents the influence of two charges. the angle between any two vectors will be 36+36=72°.
  4. The magnitude of every single vector at the center =2kqR2
  5. With the help of all five cyclic vectors in the center, we can form a polygon.
  6. And hence the resultant of a cyclic vector is always zero.Enet=0

Hence option A is the correct option.

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