A number is divisible by 8 if the number formed by the last three digits (digits in the hundreds, tens and units places) is divisible by 8.
(i) 9364 is not divisible by 8.
It is because the number formed by its hundreds, tens and ones digits, i.e., 364, is not divisible by 8.
(ii) 2138 is not divisible by 8.
It is because the number formed by its hundreds, tens and ones digits, i.e., 138, is not divisible by 8.
(iii) 36792 is divisible by 8.
It is because the number formed by its hundreds, tens and ones digits, i.e., 792, is divisible by 8.
(iv) 901674 is not divisible by 8.
It is because the number formed by its hundreds, tens and ones digits, i.e., 674, is not divisible by 8.
(v) 136976 is divisible by 8.
It is because the number formed by its hundreds, tens and ones digits, i.e., 976, is divisible by 8.
(vi) 1790184 is divisible by 8.
It is because the number formed by its hundreds, tens and ones digits, i.e., 184, is divisible by 8.