Chapter 3 : Electrochemistry
Q. Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction Zn(s)+2Ag+(aq)Zn2+(aq)+2Ag(s) takes place. Further show:
(i) Which of the electrode is negatively charged?
(ii) The carriers of the current in the cell.
(iii) Individual reaction at each electrode.
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Q. Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte. Discuss their variation with concentration.
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Q. Calculate the standard cell potentials of galvanic cell in which the following reactions take place:
(i) 2Cr(s)+3Cd2+(aq)2Cr3+(aq)+3Cd
(ii) Fe2+(aq)+Ag+(aq)Fe3+(aq)+Ag(s)
Calculate the ΔrG and equilibrium constant of the reactions
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Q. How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce:

(i) 20 g of Ca from molten CaCl2
(ii) 40 g of Al from molten Al2O3
[Given : Molar mass of calcium & Aluminium are 40 g mol1 & 27 g mol1 respectively]
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Q. In the button cells widely used in watches and other devices the following reaction takes place:
Determine ΔrGθ and Eθ for the reaction.
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Q. Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid is 7.896×105Scm1. Calculate its molar conductivity. If 0m for acetic acid is 390.5 S cm2mol1, what is its dissociation constant?
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Q. Predict the products of electrolysis in each of the following:
(i) An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with silver electrodes.
(ii) An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with platinum electrodes.
(iii) A dilute solution of H2SO4 with platinum electrodes.
(iv) An aqueous solution of CuCl2 with platinum electrodes
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Q. The conductivity of sodium chloride at 298 K has been determined at different concentrations and the results are given below:


Calculate m for all concentrations and draw a plot between m and c1/2. Find the value of 0m.
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Q. The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.0248 S cm1. Calculate its molar conductivity.
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Q. The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001M KCl solution at 298 K is 1500Ω. What is the cell constant if conductivity of 0.001M KCl solution at 298 K is 0.146×103S cm1?
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Q. Write the Nernst equation and emf of the following cells at 298 K:
(i) Mg(s)|Mg+2(0.001 M)Cu+2(0.0001 M)|Cu(s).
(ii) Fe(s)|Fe+2(0.001 M)H+(1M)|H2(g)(1bar)|Pt(s)
(iii) Sn(s)|Sn2+(0.050 M)H+(0.020 M)|H2(g)(1bar)|Pt(s)
(iv) Pt(s)|Br2(l)|Br(0.010 M)H+(0.030 M)|H2(g)(1bar)|Pt(s).
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Q. Using the standard electrode potentials given in Table 3.1, predict if the reaction between the following is feasible:
(i) Fe3+(aq) and I(aq)
(ii) Ag+(aq) and Cu(s)
(iii) Fe3+(aq) and Br(aq)
(iv) Ag(s) and Fe3+(aq)
(v) Br2(aq) and Fe2+(aq)
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Q. Arrange the following metals in the order in which they displace each other from the solution of their salts.
Al, Cu, Fe, Mg and Zn
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Q. How much charge is required for the following reductions?

(i) 1 mol of Al3+ to Al
(ii) 1 mol of Cu2+ to Cu
(iii) 1 mol of MnO4 to Mn2+
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Q. Three electrolytic cells A, B, C containing solutions of ZnSO4, AgNO3 and CuSO3, respectively are connected in series. A steady current of 1.5 amperes was passed through them until 1.45 g of silver deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long did the current flow? What mass of copper and zinc were deposited?
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Q. How much electricity is required in coulomb for the oxidation of:
(i) 1 mol of H2O to O2?
(ii) 1 mol of FeO to Fe2O3?
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Q. Given the standard electrode potentials, K+/K=2.93 V, Ag+/Ag=0.80 V, Hg2+/Hg=0.79 V, Mg2+/Mg=2.37V, Cr3+/Cr=0.74 V
Arrange these metals in their increasing order of reducing power.
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