Chapter 1 : Sets
Q. Which of the following sets are finite or infinite
(i) The set of months of a year
(ii) {1, 2, 3, ....}
(iii) {1, 2, 3, ....99, 100}
(iv) The set of positive integers greater than 100
(v) The set of prime numbers less than 99
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Q. State whether each of the following set is finite or infinite:
(i) The set of lines which are parallel to the x-axis
(ii) The set of letters in the English alphabet
(iii) The set of numbers which are multiple of 5
(iv) The set of animals living on the earth
(v) The set of circles passing through the origin (0, 0)
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Q. Which of the following are examples of the null set?
(i) Set of odd natural numbers divisible by $$2$$
(ii) Set of even prime numbers
(iii) $$\left \{ x : x \text { is a natural numbers, $$x < 5$$ and $$x > 7}\right \}$$
(iv) $$\left \{ y : y \text { is a point common to any two parallel lines}\right \}$$
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Q. Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Insert the appropriate symbol or in the blank spaces:
(i) 5. . .A (ii) 8 . . . A (iii) 0. . .A (iv) 4. . . A (v) 2. . .A (vi) 10. . .A
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Q. Write the following sets in roster form:
(i) A={x:x is an integer and3<x<7}
(ii) B={x:x is a natural number less than 6}
(iii) C={x:x is a two-digit natural number such that the sum of its digits is 8}
(iv) D={x:x is a prime number which is divisor of 60}
(v) E= The set of all letters in the word TRIGONOMETRY
(vi) F= The set of all letters in the word BETTER
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Q. Match each of the set on the left in the roster form with the same set on the right described in set-builder form:
(i) {1, 2, 3, 6}(a) {x:x is a prime number and a divisor of 6}
(ii) {2, 3}(b) {x:x is an odd natural number less than 10}
(iii) {M, A, T, H, E, I, C, S}(c) {x:x is natural number and divisor of 6}
(iv) {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}(d) {x:x is a letter of the word MATHEMATICS}
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Q. In the following, state whether A=B or not:
(i) A={a, b, c, d}B={d, c, b, a}
(ii) A={4, 8, 12, 16}B={8, 4, 16, 18}
(iii) A={2, 4, 6, 8, 10}B={x:x is a positive even integer and x10}
(iv) A={x:x is a multiple of 10}, B={10, 15, 20, 25, 30, ...}
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Q. How many elements has P(A) , if A=ϕ?
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Q. Write the following intervals in set-builder form:
(i) (3, 0)
(ii) [6, 12]
(iii) (6, 12]
(iv) [23, 5)
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Q. List all the elements of the following sets:
(i) A={x:x is an odd natural number}
(ii) B={x:x is an integer, 12<x<92}
(iii) C={x:x is an integer, x24}
(iv) D={x:x is a letter in the word LOYAL}
(v) E={x:x is a month of a year not having 31 days}
(vi) F={x:x is a consonant in the English alphabet which precedes k}
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Q. Examine whether the following statements are true or false:
(i) { a, b } ⊄ { b, c, a }
(ii) { a, e } { x:x is a vowel in the English alphabet}
(iii) { 1, 2, 3 } { 1, 3, 5 }
(iv) { a } { a, b, c }
(v) { a }ϵ { a, b, c }
(vi) { x:x is an even natural number less than 6} { x : x is a natural number which divides 36 }
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Q. Which of the following are sets ? Justify your answer.
(i) The collection of all the months of a year beginning with the letter J.
(ii) The collection of ten most talented writers of India.
(iii) A team of eleven best-cricket batsmen of the world.
(iv) The collection of all boys in your class.
(v) The collection of all natural numbers less than 100.
(vi) A collection of novels written by the writer Munshi Prem Chand.
(vii) The collection of all even integers.
(viii) The collection of questions in this Chapter.
(ix) A collection of most dangerous animals of the world
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Q. Write the following as intervals :
(i) {x:xϵR, 4<x6}
(ii) {x:xϵR, 12<x<10}
(iii) {x:xϵR, 0x<7}
(iv) {x:xϵR, 3x4}
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Q. Are the following pair of sets equal ? Give reasons.
(i) A={2, 3}, B={x:x is solution of x2+5x+6=0}
(ii) A={x:x is a letter in the word FOLLOW}
B={y:y is a letter in the word WOLF}
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Q. Make correct statements by filling in the symbols or ⊄ in blank spaces:
(i) {2, 3, 4}......{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
(ii) {a, b, c}...{b, c, d}
(iii) {x:x is a student of Class XI of your school}. . .{x:x student of your school}
(iv) {x:x is a circle in the plane} . . .{x:x is a circle in the same plane with radius 1 unit}
(v) {x:x is a triangle in a plane} . . . {x:x is a rectangle in the plane}
(vi) {x:x is an equilateral triangle in a plane} . . . {x:x is a triangle in the same plane}
(vii) {x:x is an even natural number} . . . {x:x is an integer}
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Q. Let A={1, 2, {3, 4}, 5}. Which of the following statements are incorrect and why?
(i) {3, 4}A
(ii) {3, 4}ϵA
(iii) {{3, 4}}A
(iv) 1ϵA
(v) 1A
(vi) {1, 2, 5}A
(vii) {1, 2, 5}ϵA
(viii) {1, 2, 3}A
(ix) ϕϵA
(x) ϕA (xi) {ϕ}A
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Q. What universal set(s) would you propose for each of the following:
(i) The set of right triangles. (ii) The set of isosceles triangles
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Q. Write the following sets in the set-builder form
(i) {3, 6, 9, 12}
(ii) {2, 4, 8, 16, 32}
(iii) {5, 25, 125, 625}
(iv) {2, 4, 6, ...}
(v) {1, 4, 9, ..., 100}
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Q. From the sets given below, select equal set:
A={2, 4, 8, 12},
B={1, 2, 3, 4},
C={4, 8, 12, 14},
D={3, 1, 4, 2}
E={1, 1},
F={0, a},
G={1, 1},
H={0, 1}
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Q. Write down all the subsets of the following sets
(i) {a}
(ii) {a, b}
(iii) {1, 2, 3}
(iv) ϕ
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