The circumference of a circle is directly proportional to the length of its radius, while the area it encloses is directly proportional to the square of the length of its radius. If the area of a circle is multiplied by , then its circumference is multiplied by ______.
Step-1: Find the radius:
The area encloses is directly proportional to the square of the length of its radius .
Also the area of a circle is multiplied by .
Therefore, multiply by in and simplify.
Step-2: Find the Circumference:
Since circumference of a circle is directly proportional to the length of its radius, ,
where is proportionality constant, and is the radius of a circle.
As the new radius, is proportional to . Therefore, multiply both sides by in and simplify.
Hence, if the area of a circle is multiplied by , then its circumference is multiplied by .