The correct option is B ′+′×′−′= zygospore
Rhizopus is a genus of common saprophytic fungi on plants and specialised parasites on animals Rhizopus solonifer has commercial use in the manufacturing of alcohol and organic acids. They reproduce by forming asexual and sexual spores. In sexual reproduction, a dark zygospore is produced following gametangial fusion. The zygospores are the only diploid phase of Rhizopus stolonifer reproduction. They are composed of two suspensor cells, which are the progametangia or hyphae. The suspensor cells are present on both sides of spore to provide support. The zygospore forms from two special haploid hyphae of opposite mating types ( + and - or male and female gametangia ) that touch due to hormones and being in close proximity to each other. The two cytoplasms intermingle, also known as plasmogamy.