The correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere, starting from Volvox is
The various stages in a hydrosere or hydrarch succession are well studied in ponds, pools and lakes. The sequencial stages of communities in hydrosere are as follows:
(a) Phytoplankton stage, e.g., Some blue green algae, green algae (Volvox), diatoms, bacteria, etc
(b) Rooted submerged stage - e.g. Hydrilla, Vallisneria, etc.
(c) Floating stage - e.g Nelumbo - Nymphaea., etc. Some free floating species are Pistia, Azolla, lemma, etc
(d) Reed swamp stage - e.g, Species of Scripus, Typha, etc
(e) Sedge meadow stage - e.g Species of Cyperaceae and Graminaeae.
(f) Woodland stage - e.g., Lantana, Salix, Populud, etc
(g) Forest stage - e.g Tropical rain forests, mixed forests of Almus, Acer., Quercus(oak), tropical deciduous forests.