The difference between revenue expenditure and revenue receipts is:
Revenue deficit
Fiscal deficit
Budget deficit
Primary deficit
The excess of revenue expenditures over revenue receipts is called revenue deficit.
Calculate Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit and Primary Deficit from the following data:
Items (Rs in crore)
(i) Revenue expenditure 22,250
(ii) Capital expenditure 28,000
(iii) Revenue receipts 17,750
(iv) Capital receipts (net of borrowing) 20,000
(v) Interest payments 5,000
(vi) Borrowings 12,500
From the following data about a government budget, find (a) revenue deficit, (b) fiscal deficit, and (c) primary deficit:
Items (Rs in lakh)
(i) Tax revenue 50
(ii) Revenue expenditure 110
(iii) Capital expenditure 210
(iv) Non-tax revenue 30
(v) Capital receipts net of borrowing 140
(vi) Interest payments 20
Find (a) fiscal deficit, and (b) primary deficit from the following:
Revenue expenditure = 70,000
Borrowings = 15,000
Revenue receipts = 50,000
Interest payments = 25% of revenue deficit.