The distance between Ahmedabad and Vadodara is 100 km. Two trains set-off simultaneously from Ahmedabad and Vadodara towards each other. The speeds of these trains are 45 kmh−1 and 30 km h−1 respectively. When will they cross each other?
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Given distance between Ahmadabad and Vadodara =100 km
Velocity of train A vA=45 km/hr and velocity of train B vB=30 km/hr
Let the two trains meet at a distance x from their from A's origin.
Thus distance traveled by train A at time t =x km and distance traveled by train B at same time period of t =100 -x
Since the time function is same for both the trains we can equate for both the trains by the following expression
Thus train A will meet train B after covering a distance of 60 km.