The distance between New Orleans and Houston is miles.
At , a bus leaves Houston for New Orleans at a speed of .
Forty-five minutes later, a motorcycle leaves New Orleans for Houston at a speed of .
At what time will the bus and the motorcycle pass each other if neither stops nor changes speed?
Determine the time at which the vehicles meet:
The total distance is miles.
Assume that the time taken by the vehicles to meet after the motor cycle leaves is hours.
Before the start of the motorcycle, the bus has already moved for .
So, the distance traveled by bus in minutes
In these hours, there will be some distance covered by the bus and some distance covered by the motorcycle.
So, the total of all three distances will be miles.
As we know,
Express the distance in terms of the time and solve:
hours is equivalent to .
Calculate the time that is minutes and past :
Hence, the vehicles meet at