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The energy of σ2pz molecular orbital is greater than π2px and π2py molecular orbitals in nitrongen moleculae. Write the complete sequence of energy levels in the increasing order of energy in the moleculae. Compare the relative stability and the magnetic behaviour of the following species:


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The general sequence of the energy levels of the molecular orbital

(If the number of electrons in the molecule is less than or equal to fourteen)

σ1s < σ1s < σ2s < σ2s < π2px= π2py < σ2pz < π2px = π2py

Molecular orbital configuration and magnetic behaviour of given species
* N2(14 e ):σ1s2 σ1s2 σ2s2 σ2s2 π2p2x= π22y σ2p2z

Bond order = 1/2[electrons in BMO-electrons in ABMO]

BMO = Bonding molecular orbital

ABMO = Antibonding molecular orbital

For N2=1/2 (104)=3

Since, the molecular orbitals has no unpaired electrons.So, molecule N2 is diamagnetic in nature.

N+2(13 e ):σ1s2 σ1s2 σ2s2 σ2s2 π2p2x= π22y σ2p1z

Bond order for N+2 = 1/2 (94) = 2.5

Since, the molecular orbitals has 1unpaired electrons.So, molecule N+2 is paramagnetic in nature.

N2(15 e ):σ1s2 σ1s2 σ2s2 σ2s2 π2p2x= π22y σ2p1z π2p1x

Bond order for N2 = 1/2 (105) = 2.5

Since, the molecular orbitals has 1unpaired electrons.So, molecule (N2) is paramagnetic in nature.

N2+2(12 e ):σ1s2 σ1s2 σ2s2 σ2s2 π2p2x= π22y

Bond order for N2+2 = 1/2 (84) = 2

Since, the molecular orbitals has 1unpaired electrons.So, molecule (N2+2) is diamagnetic in nature.

Relative stability order among given specise

* The compound with higher bond order is more stable.

* If the bond order is same the species with more bonding electrons and less antibonding electrons will be more stable

Thus, the order of stability is :

N2 > N+2 > N2+2

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