The entries of an n×n array of numbers are denoted by xij, with 1≤i,j≤n. For all i, j, k, i,j,k,1≤i,j,k≤n the following equality holds xij+xjk+xki=0. Prove that there exist numbers t1,t2,...,tn such that xij=ti−tj for all i,j,k,1≤i,j,k≤n.
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Setting i= j= k in the given condition yields 3xii=0, hence xii=0,
for all i,1≤i≤n. For k =j we obtain xij+xjj+xji=0,
hence xij=−xji, for all i, j. Now fix i and j and add up the equalities xij+xjk+xki=0, for k = 1, 2, ... , n.
It follows that nxij+n∑k=1xjk+n∑k=1xjk=0 or nxij+n∑k=1xjk−n∑k=1xik=0.